We're excited to release v2.0 of the JuggernautAI app today. It's packed full of exciting features such as:

Apple Health & Google Health Connect integration

  • Pre-fill new program questionnaires
  • Pre-fill readiness questionnaires
  • Log workouts

Customize Training Days

  • Rearrange the order of any workout
  • Add you own exercises
  • Break up combo sets to single exercises

New Bench Only Program

  • A brand new 10-11 week program focused specifically on bench press
  • Pick from 2 - 5 days per week
  • Optional Deloads
  • New accessory protocols

Improved Questionnaires

  • Updated questionnaires to provide better context to questions
  • New UI

New Strength Levels Tool

  • Check your maxes against the Juggernaut Classifications

Plus a lot of bug fixes and improvements behind the scenes!

We hope you love these updates and let us know if you have any questions. If you encounter any bugs please report them directly in the app.

Happy lifting