1. Honesty Is The Best Policy
The JuggernautAI App is an amazing piece of technology, but it isn’t a mind reader. The app is only as effective as the information you give it, so you need to be as objective as possible when telling the system about yourself, how you feel and how challenging the training is. Your Daily Readiness Rating, End of Session/Week/Block Check-Ins are how the system learns about you, so if you tell it that the training is easy but actually feels hard, it is going to give you more when you don’t need it. The more honestly you answer the questionnaires and rate your training, the better the training will be for you.
The More You Give The More You Get
- There are many areas in which the JuggernautAI App will ask for your feedback, the more of those opportunities you utilize to provide thoughtful insights to how you feel and your training, the more the system can learn about you and more effective it can make your training.
- Whether it is Daily Readiness Ratings or the Mindset Check-Ins Pre/Post Training, the more you authentically interact with the app, the better your experience will be.
A Little Less Is Better Than A Little Too Much
- You care about your training, we care about your training, we know that you are passionate about improving. That passion is important but sometimes your desire to improve can affect how you are rating your training and create bigger ripples throughout your program.
- When you have some doubt in your mind about whether you feel good or great during your Daily Readiness Rating, you are usually better off telling the app you feel good. When you aren’t sure if you should rate a set as an 8 or 8.5RPE, you are usually better off rating it as an 8.5RPE.
- Doing this will keep your training a little more conservative and in the long run, that is better. It is always easier to ramp up your training over time, than having to pull back on volume/intensity if you’re becoming overreached.
- There is plenty of time to get as strong as you can, don’t think it all has to happen in today’s session or this training cycle, play the long game.

The Answer You’re Looking For Is At Your Fingertips
The JuggernautAI App is powerful and packed with features, it can be overwhelming. Fear not, there are so many resources available to help you better use the app and improve your training. The ℹ️ icon will give you more information about many features of the app. The FAQ section in the menu has tons of information about how to use the app and questions you may have about your training. The Juggernaut Training Systems YouTube channel is the most informative resource on YouTube about lifting technique, program design and more important aspects of training. The JuggernautAI Facebook group is a huge supportive community of app users who want to help each other succeed. Finally, the JuggernautAI Customer Service staff is always available at JTSstrength.com. Whatever question you have, it is just a few taps away on your phone and the more you utilize these resources, the more successful you’ll be in training with JuggernautAI.
The way that JuggernautAI designs training may be different than what you have done before. Trust that there have been 1000s of hours spent by our staff learning about training, coaching athletes of all levels, teaching seminars, designing the app and refining the training within it. JuggernautAI has helped tens of thousands of lifters from beginner to advanced improve their strength and it will help you too. Not every phase of training is designed to have your 1 rep max at its highest at that exact moment, the app is aiming to have you at your strongest at your meet/test date and sometimes that can involve digging down a bit to build a bigger foundation so that we can build a higher peak to the skyscraper.
The way that JuggernautAI designs training may be different than what you have done before. Trust that there have been 1000s of hours spent by our staff learning about training, coaching athletes of all levels, teaching seminars, designing the app and refining the training within it. JuggernautAI has helped tens of thousands of lifters from beginner to advanced improve their strength and it will help you too. Not every phase of training is designed to have your 1 rep max at its highest at that exact moment, the app is aiming to have you at your strongest at your meet/test date and sometimes that can involve digging down a bit to build a bigger foundation so that we can build a higher peak to the skyscraper.
The way that JuggernautAI designs training may be different than what you have done before. Trust that there have been 1000s of hours spent by our staff learning about training, coaching athletes of all levels, teaching seminars, designing the app and refining the training within it. JuggernautAI has helped tens of thousands of lifters from beginner to advanced improve their strength and it will help you too. Not every phase of training is designed to have your 1 rep max at its highest at that exact moment, the app is aiming to have you at your strongest at your meet/test date and sometimes that can involve digging down a bit to build a bigger foundation so that we can build a higher peak to the skyscraper.